Lady Gaga + Bowie.

Lady Gaga,
“The moment that I saw the Aladdin Sane cover for the first time, I was 19 years old, and it just changed my perspective on everything, forever.
It was an image that changed my life. I remember I took the vinyl record out of the casing and I put it on my vinyl player, which was on my stovetop in my kitchen, because I was living in this really tiny apartment and I had my turntable on my stove.
Watch That Man came on and, I mean, that was just the beginning of my artistic birth. I started to dress more expressively. I started to go to the library and look through more art books. I took an art history class. I was playing with a band.
My friends and I in New York, we’ve lived a lifestyle of total immersion in music, fashion, art and technology since we were kids, and this is because of him.
I just would never be here, or have the philosophy that I have, if I didn’t have someone to look up to that, you know, blew my mind so intensely.
The way that Nile Rodgers talks about Coltrane, and the way that Coltrane makes him think about jazz? That’s how David Bowie is for me. You meet or see a musician that has something that is of another planet, of another time, and it changes you forever.
I believe everyone has that, […] that one thing you saw as a kid that made you go, ‘Oh, okay. Now I know who I am.
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