Table Two. Creator Crush.

Inspiration favours the prepared mind: triggered by your crush.
Scott Barry Kaufman is an American psychologist, author, and popular science writer who research and shares his ideas and thoughts on intelligence and creativity. The following is an abbreviated version of an article he wrote: Why Inspiration Matters for the Harvard Business Review reposted here to give context for Creator Crushes.
Inspiration is evoked spontaneously without intention it awakens new possibilities by allowing us to transcend our ordinary experiences and limitations and propels us from apathy to possibility.
The three pillars of inspiration are:
- evocation
- transcendence
- approach motivation.
Inspiration is also transcendent of our more animalistic and self-serving concerns and limitations. Such transcendence often involves a moment of clarity and awareness of new possibilities. This moment of clarity is often vivid, and can take the form of a grand vision, or a “seeing” of something one has not seen before (but that was probably always there). Inspiration also involves approach motivation; the transmission, expression, or actualisation of a new idea or vision.
Inspired individuals are more open to new experiences, report more absorption in their tasks and have a higher frequency of daily moments of inspiration.
Their openness to experience often comes before inspiration, suggesting that those who are more open to inspiration are more likely to experience it.
The transcendent nature of inspiration–what makes an object inspiring is its perceived subjective intrinsic value, and not how much it’s objectively worth or how attainable it is–suggests that inspiration feeds psychological resources and inspiration research shows is not purely passive, but favours the prepared mind.
Inspiration is not the same as positive affect it involves elevated levels of positive affect and task involvement, and lower levels of negative affect. Compared to being in an enthusiastic and excited state, people who enter an inspired state (by thinking of a prior moment they were inspired) reported greater levels of spirituality and meaning, and lower levels of volitional control, controllability, and self-responsibility for their inspiration. Whereas positive affect is activated when someone is making progress toward their immediate, conscious goals, inspiration is more related to an awakening to something new, better, or more important: transcendence of one’s previous concerns.
Inspiration is a springboard for creativity. Inspired people show actual increases in self-ratings of creativity over time. Patent-holding inventors report being inspired more frequently and intensely than non-patent holders, and the higher the frequency of inspiration, the higher the number of patents held.
Inspired writers are more efficient and productive, and spend less time pausing and more time writing. The link between inspiration and creativity is consistent with the transcendent aspect of inspiration, since creativity involves seeing possibility beyond existing constraints.
In a study conducted by Marina Milyavskaya and colleagues, those higher on the inspiration scale displayed increased goal progress, and their progress was a result of setting more inspired goals. Importantly, the relationship between inspiration and goal progress seems to be reciprocal: goal progress also predicted future goal inspiration and inspired individuals report experiencing more purpose in life and more gratitude.
These scientific findings suggest inspiration is not willed; it happens.
I think inspiration is best thought of as a surprising interaction between your current knowledge and the information you receive from the world, and there are things you can do to increase the likelihood of inspiration.
Preparation or ‘work mastery’ is a key and while inspiration is not the same as effort, effort is an essential condition for inspiration, preparing the mind for an inspirational experience.
Openness to experience and positive affect are also important. Having an open mind and approach-oriented attitude will allow for inspiration Small accomplishments are also important, as they can boost inspiration, setting off a productive and creative cycle.
Another incredibly important, and often overlooked trigger of inspiration is exposure to inspiring, role models and heroes – [your creator crushes].
Image attribution: Just one of cultivator’s Creator crushes the indomitable Yoyoi Kusama. Photo by x sourced from