the harvest by thematic. all art is ecological.
rock rubin on living as an artist ...
To live a an artist is a way of being in the world.
A way of perceiving.
A practice of paying attention.
Refining our sensibility to tune in to the more subtle notes.
Looking for what draws us in and what pushes us away.
Noticing what feeling tones arise and where they lead. Attuned choice by attuned choice, your entire life is a form of self expression. Y
ou exist as a creative being in a creative universe.
Rick Rubin
Image attributions
Top: Digital montage by cultivator. Photo sourced from: Unspalsh.
All images are used under either a CAL Statutory Education – Non-Commercial (not for profit) License and/or the Australian Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) fair dealing principles. (research or study). All rights remain with their respective copyright owners.